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Student Spotlights

Our students are such inspirations!

Hover over each image to read about #2claps1snap students and their experiences.

Meet Ann! At Microsoft in 2012, Ann started her 2C1S journey by signing up for yoga. Reflecting back on her journey, Ann says “I was SO nervous for the first class having convinced myself that my classmates would be svelte and bendy yogis/yoginis wearing the perfect yoga outfit. Then in waltzed Miss V. in her signature sweats and Seahawks hoodie. I’d found my tribe! In the years following I added group training and core/stretch to my 2C1S repertoire. I loved getting a workout done before heading to my desk each day.”

Meet Lisa! Here’s a bit about her 2 Claps experience: “I have always struggled with gyms and fitness classes but no more! 2 Claps 1 Snap fits my needs perfectly, especially the virtual classes. So convenient. There is a feeling of community, all of the classes are fun and I love the flexibility of choices. My mind and body are happy!”

Meet Minal! Here’s a little bit about her 2claps experience: "I have been taking classes with Miss V for about 2 years now, but boy does it feel more! I started off attending Core/Restore class and over time have taken a variety of classes to my liking. Love the fact that Miss V pushes everyone to do their best and with a good form. The flexibility in taking classes helps me get my cardio/HIIT in, which frankly I wouldn't have done on my own. The feeling of accomplishment after finishing one of those hard classes makes my day 😊"

Meet Ben! Here’s a bit about his 2 Claps experience: “When I first joined 2 Claps 1 Snap, I just thought about getting in shape. Besides the physical benefits from working out, I gained two additional benefits. One benefit was making lots of friends. My workout buddy Skamy and me became such good friends they called us Skambenji! Another benefit was psychological. In the group training setting I learned psychological grit. By seeing others push themselves, and Miss V. "encouraging" me to dig deep and I learned by pushing through those wall squats how to be stronger mentally!”

Meet Mary! Her 2C1S story: "I was blessed to shimmy into a coveted 2 Claps 1 Snap spot after my son was born. At the time, I had severe diastasis recti, which is a separation of the abdominal muscles, and I was told repeatedly that my only option was to have surgery. I heard that Miss V had experience in post-partum strengthening and proper core loading strategies and I began taking her Yoga classes. It was hard work, but I eventually healed without surgery, and for that I am eternally grateful. Namaste."

Meet Katt! "Variety is the spice of life, right? I love enjoying the outdoors in so many ways: snowboarding, cross-country skiing, running, hiking, biking, gardening, SUP paddle-boarding, and more! My husband proposed to me in the middle of Flying W…

Meet Katt!
"Variety is the spice of life, right? I love enjoying the outdoors in so many ways: snowboarding, cross-country skiing, running, hiking, biking, gardening, SUP paddle-boarding, and more! My husband proposed to me in the middle of Flying Wheels (a 100-mile bike ride) and we were married the year after at beautiful Orcas Island in 2012. We honeymooned in Jamaica which is one of our favorite vacation spots and is where I’ve done some of my SCUBA diving and snorkeling. I LOVE being active but with a busy work schedule, I find that finding time for these events/activities has been getting more and more difficult over the years. I have also had such a hard time finding people to go with me on my crazy adventures and salsa dance excursions, especially after my husband injured his knees and is no longer able to enjoy many of these activities with me. Post-pandemic, my goal is to get back out there and enjoy life again being active outdoors and meeting people. Before and through the pandemic, 2C1S has been a great way for me to plug into a positive community that values health, fitness, and FUN. The people and program have been such an encouragement to me and I think solely because of it, I have been able to keep my sanity and keep up my health & fitness. Thank you 2C1S for being the support & encouragement I <and so many others> need."

Meet Baoping! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps 1 Snap story: “I started this program in the Fall session of 2016. Miss V often jokes about me not being able to tell my left from right when I first started. In just a couple months, I became way fitter and knowledgeable about health and fitness than before. And now after more than 4 years I am continuing with it. I mainly do Yoga during this lock down. I can really see improvement in my flexibility and less pain in my neck and shoulder. I hate exercising before. But Miss V has made exercising so much fun with very serious workout. She is energetic, creative, very caring, fun yet firm and brings the best out of me and everyone else. I never thought exercising could be this much fun!” Love having you around, Baoping!

Meet Baoping! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps 1 Snap story: “I started this program in the Fall session of 2016. Miss V often jokes about me not being able to tell my left from right when I first started. In just a couple months, I became way fitter and knowledgeable about health and fitness than before. And now after more than 4 years I am continuing with it. I mainly do Yoga during this lock down. I can really see improvement in my flexibility and less pain in my neck and shoulder. I hate exercising before. But Miss V has made exercising so much fun with very serious workout. She is energetic, creative, very caring, fun yet firm and brings the best out of me and everyone else. I never thought exercising could be this much fun!”
Love having you around, Baoping!

Meet Janet! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I'm one of Ms. V's old timers (2007 😲), GT and yoga have been my thing. A co-worker, Monica Rosellini, told me I had to check out the workouts happening on the fields. I did and was hooked . . . and darn convenient to be able to sprint out of a nearby building to 11a and still be late! I was on sports teams so I thought I knew everything 😆 but Ms. V whipped my form and attitude into shape along with educating me on IT bands and SI joint. Her care for family includes the famous hikes to Rattlesnake Ridge and prodding my then young son to make it, but also graciously helping at his 6th birthday bowling party and challenging him to a hoppity hop race at a 2 Claps 1 Snap picnic. That kid is in college now but remembers Ms. V!! A new position took me to City Center in downtown Bellevue so I stopped out a few years and while not happy about the pandemic, glad to be back online with the 2 Claps 1 Snap making animal sounds in Wed yoga with my cats Jilly &amp; Mitch or bunny Felix wandering through. And yes, I still rescue worms wherever I see them.”

Meet Janet! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I'm one of Ms. V's old timers (2007 😲), GT and yoga have been my thing. A co-worker, Monica Rosellini, told me I had to check out the workouts happening on the fields. I did and was hooked . . . and darn convenient to be able to sprint out of a nearby building to 11a and still be late! I was on sports teams so I thought I knew everything 😆 but Ms. V whipped my form and attitude into shape along with educating me on IT bands and SI joint. Her care for family includes the famous hikes to Rattlesnake Ridge and prodding my then young son to make it, but also graciously helping at his 6th birthday bowling party and challenging him to a hoppity hop race at a 2 Claps 1 Snap picnic. That kid is in college now but remembers Ms. V!! A new position took me to City Center in downtown Bellevue so I stopped out a few years and while not happy about the pandemic, glad to be back online with the 2 Claps 1 Snap making animal sounds in Wed yoga with my cats Jilly & Mitch or bunny Felix wandering through. And yes, I still rescue worms wherever I see them.”

Meet Emily! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps Story: “After the birth of my second son I found myself getting into the groove of complacency – not exercising consistently or focusing on what I loved to do – it was all about the kids. It all changed …

Meet Emily! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps Story: “After the birth of my second son I found myself getting into the groove of complacency – not exercising consistently or focusing on what I loved to do – it was all about the kids. It all changed when I joined the 2Claps community. While I know I needed to be there for myself, Ms. V was the one to hold me accountable to show up and put in the effort. I ended up losing 25 lbs and keeping it off thanks to this program. I love the variety of workouts offered, the flexibility with on-line engagement and the personalized coaching that’s given throughout each class. It’s the ‘we got you’ attitude that Ms. V and the entire 2Claps community brings each day that makes me feel that I belong to so much more than just an exercise class.”

Meet Merisa! Here’s what she has to say about her 2 Claps experience: “These people are nuts.” That’s what I thought when I first started group training. I remember a longtime 2Claps1Snap devotee telling me she had even shrugged off other job opport…

Meet Merisa! Here’s what she has to say about her 2 Claps experience: “These people are nuts.” That’s what I thought when I first started group training. I remember a longtime 2Claps1Snap devotee telling me she had even shrugged off other job opportunities outside of Microsoft because it meant she wouldn’t be able to attend Ms. V’s classes anymore. And now about eight years later, I am totally “nuts,” too. It’s so much more than the workouts – it’s about having a great coach who knows me and pushes me, it’s gaining friends who make me belly laugh, and it’s just so dang fun (you know, when I’m gasping for air).

Meet Jenny! Jenny says “I started working out with Miss Victoria about 5 years ago. I got into it for the convenience, to get fit after the birth of my second son, the quality of the workouts and the fun of having a tribe to run around and play with…

Meet Jenny! Jenny says “I started working out with Miss Victoria about 5 years ago. I got into it for the convenience, to get fit after the birth of my second son, the quality of the workouts and the fun of having a tribe to run around and play with. It often felt like we were kids at recess. Miss V even has a recess workout! Little did I know how much I would need my tribe. About a year after starting, my marriage ended. Having these workouts on the calendar meant that, for at least 3 hours every week, I would have fun with my 2claps crew. Sometimes, it was the only thing I had to look forward to. And it got me through one of the hardest times of my life. Fast forward to Summer 2020: I rejoined 2claps after a break, and even though we are not physically together, I feel the love of the group. Having the crew back together for these long winter COVID months has been another bright spot in a dark time. With her unique style, Miss V has created a unique community of excellent fitness instruction, care, humor and love. Thank you, Victoria and the 2claps fam!”

Meet Sarah! Sarah was the OG of 2C1S! She was the Microsoft/Victoria liaison for many years (helping with registrations and dealing with "difficult" responses to requests) and continues to help in the background. She was vital to ensuring that the p…

Meet Sarah! Sarah was the OG of 2C1S! She was the Microsoft/Victoria liaison for many years (helping with registrations and dealing with "difficult" responses to requests) and continues to help in the background. She was vital to ensuring that the program could continue on campus over the years, and even approached upper level management for permission. Sarah says “I've loved seeing the program grow over the years...and especially Miss V! She's never complacent and always looking for ways to improve herself, her clients, and the program as a whole.”

Here’s a little more about Sarah: “I’ve been married to my husband, John, for going on 24 years and we have a 16-year old son, Alex. We have 2 dogs: Okja (husky) and Elvis (Aussie). I'm currently unemployed and looking for my next awesome gig (anyone have any leads?). I've always enjoyed biking, so I love my Peloton, but I'll always be a 2C1S fanatic and still work in two 2C1S classes/week (Warrior Workout with Dawni Rae - so excited to have her as part of the family!) and Pilates cuz I need it. I enjoy "camping" in our land yacht, her name is Willamena (Willie for short).”

Meet Suma! Suma says “I joined 2Claps1Snap 10 years back after my second kid was born and I heard about Ms V’s classes for new moms. My newborn’s intense desire to keep being in my arms for extended periods of time was an unique bonding experience b…

Meet Suma! Suma says “I joined 2Claps1Snap 10 years back after my second kid was born and I heard about Ms V’s classes for new moms. My newborn’s intense desire to keep being in my arms for extended periods of time was an unique bonding experience but made me end up with a tennis elbow. The classes helped me build strength in my arms and my core such that I was no longer in pain and did not need an elbow brace.

Over the years, I have done a variety of classes with Ms V: Yoga, Pilates, and Group Training. The health benefits of 2Claps1Snap started with me but have now reached my whole family; we hike more as a family and are conscious of our eating habits, exercise, and posture. My husband is now part of the program and our kids were doing the program during summer break when everything else was shut down due to COVID. 2Claps’ online program has helped us keep our sanity and maintain our health during these trying times.”

Meet Aravind! Aravind recently completed a virtual half marathon. Reflecting on the event, Aravind says, “I almost gave up at the 9mile mark and was about to call my wife to pick me up - but the thought of calling my wife or the finisher’s medal - b…

Meet Aravind! Aravind recently completed a virtual half marathon. Reflecting on the event, Aravind says, “I almost gave up at the 9mile mark and was about to call my wife to pick me up - but the thought of calling my wife or the finisher’s medal - brought some energy and the broken muscle calmed down - completed and justified receiving the finisher’s medal given as part of the race packet.

I started in 2011 - missed one year — in between - the November snow year. But made up with 2 rock n roll. Thanks for introducing me to this - 2claps 1snap had a preparation or training phase in 2011 which introduced me to this - until then I did not even think about running in a race. Thanks!”

Meet Chad! Chad was first introduced to 2 Claps 1 Snap by his wife Teresa. He is always super helpful to others and brings positivity to each class. Beyond 2 Claps, Chad participates in Spartan races, Jungyae Moosul (a form of Tae Kwon Do) and plays video games. He’s also a super cool grandfather.

Meet Susan! Susan just *may* be Miss V’s oldest client. She has two energetic toddler grandsons. Now that she’s retired she likes active travel—and is looking forward to hiking in Newfoundland once travel bans are lifted. Susan just returned from a visit to DC, visiting her older son’s family, and then doing a weeklong bike trip down the DE, VA, and NC coasts.

Reflecting on her 2C1S experience, Susan says “Miss V is tough, funny, attentive, exacting, she is everything you want in a workout coach. I credit her with my being able to do a lot of the outdoor stuff I love and still hear her voice in my head when working with other trainers. So, in this time of covid and smoke and gyms that were never that clean, imagine how happy I was to learn she’s taken her 2claps1snap! biz online!”

Steve has been at Microsoft for 13 years (so long that he was in CELA back when it was called LCA, though he's not a lawyer). He's been taking 2 Claps classes for at least 8 of those years and doesn't know how he survived Microsoft without them. Ove…

Steve has been at Microsoft for 13 years (so long that he was in CELA back when it was called LCA, though he's not a lawyer). He's been taking 2 Claps classes for at least 8 of those years and doesn't know how he survived Microsoft without them. Over the years he's taken Group Training classes in almost every time slot (though not the women-only class), holiday boot camps, Pilates, core stretch, and meditation classes. He is currently a big fan of the 5 pm Barre class. It's a great fit for his busy schedule as Dad of twin 12-year old boys and he notes, "Barre is incredible for working the small muscles all over your body. Which is good, because after 16 months at home in quarantine, small muscles are about the only muscles I have left." Steve is excited for the chance to be back together with 2 Clap friends in person before too long and on his visits to campus is excited to see the progress on the new pedestrian bridge connecting his side of campus with Studios and the Commons.

Meet Alessandra Reyes and her sister Monik Nyren. Originally from New York but they grew up in Venezuela and now Alessandra lives in Bothell with her parents and her dog Maya. They both joined to keep each other accountable in their journey of getti…

Meet Alessandra Reyes and her sister Monik Nyren. Originally from New York but they grew up in Venezuela and now Alessandra lives in Bothell with her parents and her dog Maya. They both joined to keep each other accountable in their journey of getting healthy and in shape while working from home during the pandemic.
Alessandra is a long time student and member of the 2 Claps 1 Snap Family. Alessandra would drive by the group workouts in front of building 11A and then decided to join. She enjoys the new FRED classes as it gives her the ability of joining a team workout while working from home.
Her sister Monik is a University Professor in Textiles in Boras, Sweden, and this is her second session with us. Monik lives in Sweden with her husband Anders and her two sons Alexander and Christoffer and her cat Mira. In her spare time, Monik enjoys crocheting dolls.

Meet Beena! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I started this program in the Fall session of 2016. Miss V often jokes about me not being able to tell my left from right when I first started. In just a couple months, I became way fitter and knowledgeable about health and fitness than before. And now after more than 4 years I am continuing with it. I mainly do Yoga during this lock down. I can really see improvement in my flexibility and less pain in my neck and shoulder. I hate exercising before. But Miss V has made exercising so much fun with very serious workout. She is energetic, creative, very caring, fun yet firm and brings the best out of me and everyone else. I never thought exercising could be this much fun!”

Meet Beena! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I started this program in the Fall session of 2016. Miss V often jokes about me not being able to tell my left from right when I first started. In just a couple months, I became way fitter and knowledgeable about health and fitness than before. And now after more than 4 years I am continuing with it. I mainly do Yoga during this lock down. I can really see improvement in my flexibility and less pain in my neck and shoulder. I hate exercising before. But Miss V has made exercising so much fun with very serious workout. She is energetic, creative, very caring, fun yet firm and brings the best out of me and everyone else. I never thought exercising could be this much fun!”

Meet Jayashri! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I have started this program with spring session back in 2015 after my second child was born. It was hard time transition back to work and I knew I needed some time for myself but didn’t k…

Meet Jayashri! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I have started this program with spring session back in 2015 after my second child was born. It was hard time transition back to work and I knew I needed some time for myself but didn’t know how. Some of my colleagues told me about this awesome program , I thought of give it try and now after 6 years still continuing with it. It was one of the best decisions in my life. It is so much fun still very serious workout program. I have always been fan of group training as it encourages me to do more. Started with level 1 group training all the way went to level 3-4 before COVID. When COVID started and when we all are started WFH, I was so happy to continuing my routine and do workout at least once a week. What should I say about Miss V!!! She is AWESOME !!!. She is so energetic, witty, encouraging, caring, strict (in good way) . Her inputs related posture, body awareness, muscles are so helpful to not only to understand what we are doing but why we are doing. I am also big fan of her challenges , boot camps, involving family fun things. GO 2claps1snap!!!!”

Meet Jose! Here’s what he has to say about his 2 Claps experience: “I started 2c1s few years back after some time of neglecting fitness, and recovering from an ACL surgery. And I was pleasantly surprised that it was much more than just physical fitn…

Meet Jose! Here’s what he has to say about his 2 Claps experience: “I started 2c1s few years back after some time of neglecting fitness, and recovering from an ACL surgery. And I was pleasantly surprised that it was much more than just physical fitness, but also about respect, discipline, laugh, and fun, among other positive things. Love the positive reinforcement and the focus on individuals, I’m very grateful to Vic, Anna, Emi, and the rest of Miss Vic’s ‘helpers’ for their support, patience, and encouragement. Can’t emphasize how rewarding is besides taking care of your body, and your mind, to also laugh while you do it. Two claps one snap!”

Meet Matt! Matt says “a couple of the highlights are my motivation to join was in December of 2006 when I couldn’t fit into my nice dress slacks for a holiday party, and knowing Karen was having such a good time with Miss V’s classes I asked if I co…

Meet Matt! Matt says “a couple of the highlights are my motivation to join was in December of 2006 when I couldn’t fit into my nice dress slacks for a holiday party, and knowing Karen was having such a good time with Miss V’s classes I asked if I could join too! Outside of that it has been an awesome wild ride of fitness, fun, laughs and an awesome friendship that I truly cherish most of all!”

Meet Zoe! Reflecting on her time with 2 Claps 1 Snap, Zoe says “I used to do group training and run all the time until the cartilage wore off in my knee about 3 years ago. Miss V would say, “She has the knees of a 70 year old!” I had to adapt and tr…

Meet Zoe! Reflecting on her time with 2 Claps 1 Snap, Zoe says “I used to do group training and run all the time until the cartilage wore off in my knee about 3 years ago. Miss V would say, “She has the knees of a 70 year old!” I had to adapt and try out new ways to stay fit with lower impact—even though they were never my favorite before. 2 Claps 1 Snap, with Miss V and the great community of people involved, helped me find new ways to enjoy staying active and improve in other areas, like Core & Stretch and Glutes & Legs, without getting discouraged.”

Here’s some more fun facts and stories! Zoe says, “ever since I met the sloth (the highlight of my honeymoon week), Miss V will tag me in any sloth-related news or jokes on Facebook. I know way more about sloths now from all the tagging than from my original visit. For example, how they’re really flexible and can turn their heads 270° because they have an extra vertebrae.

And Bambino (my dog) really likes to join me during class, which isn’t usually a problem, until he tries to lay on my face and drop his bone onto my head during core moves. He is also weirdly into green apples and celery, so those are snacks we like to share together.”

Meet Tina! Tina says, “I heard about Victoria’s classes 16 years ago after I returned to work after having my 2nd baby and thought I’d give it a try to help me get into shape. I loved it so much I never left . There have been some challenges in the …

Meet Tina! Tina says, “I heard about Victoria’s classes 16 years ago after I returned to work after having my 2nd baby and thought I’d give it a try to help me get into shape. I loved it so much I never left . There have been some challenges in the program like the time we were kicked off campus and spent a summer working out in a park, when the famous 11A building was torn down and now with Covid. All along I have really enjoyed the variety of classes and activities, the camaraderie with my workout buddies, the accountability and most of all the fabulous Miss V whose energy, dedication, professionalism and fun make this such a wonderful program!”

Meet Gleb! Gleb has been a 7AMer at 2C1S since 2015. He even continued to show up to the morning classes while on vacation in Hawaii (5AM)! After working at Microsoft for 20 years, Gleb is now the VP at RMS Solutions Inc. He has two boys ages 10 and…

Meet Gleb! Gleb has been a 7AMer at 2C1S since 2015. He even continued to show up to the morning classes while on vacation in Hawaii (5AM)! After working at Microsoft for 20 years, Gleb is now the VP at RMS Solutions Inc. He has two boys ages 10 and 14, and enjoys running and all things water: stand up paddle boarding, rowing, and sailing.

The photos in the collages feature a few moments from Gleb’s life, including Bring Your Kid to Workout Day at 2C1S, sailing to Southern California from Seattle, trips to Maui, visiting Stockholm, bungy jumping in Latvia, hiking in the mountains of Pamir, skateboarding in Moscow in the 80s, and being a part time Pirate and all around sailor.

Meet Ted! Ted says “my daughter Sonia (rhymes with Tanya ) is always asking when the next bring-your-tribe-to-workout day is. During the day, you’ll find her yelling and doing “1-2-3 capital T,” and her latest favorite is “Jabba – shooting star”! Being able to remotely work out with Miss V, her crew, and the rest of the community has been a huge blessing while we’re stuck at home, because we all spur each other on. Miss V always looks for ways to help us improve, and over the last 5 years, I’ve definitely noticed my change in health. You can’t get that trying to do it alone!”

Meet Skamy! Skamy has been with 2 Claps 1 Snap for the longest time out of all of our male students! He is also our resident photographer during bootcamp.

Reflecting on his 2 Claps experience, Skamy says, “Wow… I have never been in any fitness program this long. I think the community feel and mutual accountability and push kept me in this program forever. It has taught me so much and given me so many friends and so many laughs and so many enjoyable soreness and photo opportunities. I miss the non-COVID in-person classes in the campus so much.”

Meet KK! KK has been with 2C1S since 2006 and attends with her hubby Matt! She is also our resident Thriller-girl! Karen first did Thriller with Miss V in 2009, and started as our official Thriller teaching assistant in 2015! 🎃

Meet Andrea! Andrea loves spending time outdoors with the kids, cooking, and traveling (mainly to eat)!!

Andrea says, “2 Claps has been a savior during this lock down seeing friendly faces every day and taking a moment for self-care.

I absolutely hated exercising before. I’ve always needed something to hit or chase in order to move. Now the silver lining for COVID is I get to move around everyday and I love it! I can really see improvement in my flexibility and less pain in my shoulder and hips.”

Meet Anand! "I became a trucker around 10 years following the precedent set by my wife. During these years, I have immensely enjoyed working out on campus and forming amazing friendships with the 2C1S community. Being a type 1 diabetic, staying active is very critical for me. Working out with the 2C1S community made managing my diabetes a lot easier and allows me to occasionally indulge and satisfy my sweet tooth. The transformation of Miss V's class to online format during the COVID time has helped me manage my diabetes (People with diabetes fall under the high-risk category for COVID)"

Meet Ossie! Ossie has been on a personal journey to get healthy over the last few years and has lost almost 100 lbs! She is the proud mamma of a 7 year old. Reflecting on her wellness journey with 2 Claps 1 Snap, Ossie says, “Miss V has been part of this journey with me and I couldn’t have done it without 2 Claps 1 Snap, not to mention her encouragement, motivation, and patience. She was by my side when I couldn’t run 25 feet and continues to push me now that she knows I can run a lot further!”

Meet Sally! Her 2C1S story - “I found out about 2 Claps 1 Snap in 2015, and started the Group Training classes. I loved the accountability, the variety classes, and the supportive environment. I found myself in the best shape in years, and I met a l…

Meet Sally! Her 2C1S story -

“I found out about 2 Claps 1 Snap in 2015, and started the Group Training classes. I loved the accountability, the variety classes, and the supportive environment. I found myself in the best shape in years, and I met a lot of people from across the org that I would have never encountered otherwise. It was a great way for an introvert like me to do some low-key networking and learn about what other teams do.

After a hip injury meant I could no longer run and jump, Victoria was fantastic about working with me to modify workouts so I could continue to participate in group training without further damaging my joints. I also explored some other lower-impact classes, like Core and Restore, Pilates, and Yoga. During this past year of work from home, 2 Claps has adapted the program to Microsoft Teams, brought on additional instructors, added formats, and even created a few low-impact cardio classes that have provided me with more opportunity to stay active.”

Meet AG! Nicknamed AG by Miss Victoria, he believes laughter is the best cure, and exercise is the best vaccine. He especially loves the 2C1S community and its ability to keep these workouts fun, loving, and full of hard work- you'll be laughing and…

Meet AG! Nicknamed AG by Miss Victoria, he believes laughter is the best cure, and exercise is the best vaccine. He especially loves the 2C1S community and its ability to keep these workouts fun, loving, and full of hard work- you'll be laughing and sweating in each session! Being embraced by this family-feel community has been amazing and he looks forward to each workout session, keeping him a far cry from his "lazy old self!". AG says a week without exercise is a miserable week (and we have to agree!), and we love seeing him in our HIIT classes. He so appreciates Miss V's coaching, describing her as, "hilarious, but also an absolute beast of a task master. She brings out the best in me."
Thank you for all your hard work and the energy you bring to our 2C1S family, AG!

Meet Abhishek! This week also happens to be his birthday - Happy birthday Abhishek! Here’s a little bit about his 2Claps experience: “Hi Folks. I am Abhishek. I initially joined 2Claps1Snap in 2016, after getting inspired by folks working out in lus…

Meet Abhishek! This week also happens to be his birthday - Happy birthday Abhishek! Here’s a little bit about his 2Claps experience: “Hi Folks. I am Abhishek. I initially joined 2Claps1Snap in 2016, after getting inspired by folks working out in lush green soccer fields (near building 11A at that time). After taking a break in 2019, I rejoined in 2020. From the beginning, I noticed the incredible level of detail that classes in 2C1S have. I recall in one yoga class, Miss V mentioned it was time to cut my toenails! This level of detail makes 2C1S stand apart from other fitness classes. I have a gym membership (from work) but keep coming back to 2C1S each session. I have tried out several classes already {GT, Yoga, Warrior, Pilates}. My current favorite is Core&Restore (helps my tennis game!). Looking forward to continue this health journey with all of you.”

Meet Dametra! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I’ve participated with the amazing people that are apart of 2 Claps and the (in)famous Miss V for many years at this point. I have never been disappointed with any session I’ve ever partic…

Meet Dametra! Here’s a little about her 2 Claps experience: “I’ve participated with the amazing people that are apart of 2 Claps and the (in)famous Miss V for many years at this point. I have never been disappointed with any session I’ve ever participated in. I mean working out is working out – you put in the work and get it done. What makes this program so enjoyable has been are the people, the teamwork, the group motivation, and the countless laughs that come with every class. The icing on the cake of 2C1S of course is Miss Victoria and the other great instructors. They’ve pushed me more during class than I would ever push myself and the accountability was essential in keeping me motivated and on track. Bottomline is 2C1S is good for the heart, mind, butt and funny bones!”

Meet Elsa! Elsa says “I always have a very active lifestyle and enjoy all types of sport such as running, hiking, biking and skiing. With 2C1S, I get to meet new friends, laugh and work out together. In addition, I also learned how to have a proper …

Meet Elsa! Elsa says “I always have a very active lifestyle and enjoy all types of sport such as running, hiking, biking and skiing. With 2C1S, I get to meet new friends, laugh and work out together. In addition, I also learned how to have a proper diet by reducing my sugar consumption and having a positive attitude in life through many mini challenges that Miss V organized outside of the classes. All these combined allow me to truly look forward to coming to the classes, getting fit and staying fit!”

Meet Ganga! When asked about her 2 Claps experience, Ganga said, “One evening, I was walking down the stairs at home, holding my then 9-month in my arms, I stopped mid-way to catch my breath. Motherhood changes your body in ways you don’t realize. I…

Meet Ganga! When asked about her 2 Claps experience, Ganga said, “One evening, I was walking down the stairs at home, holding my then 9-month in my arms, I stopped mid-way to catch my breath. Motherhood changes your body in ways you don’t realize. It was exactly that moment when I knew that in order for me continue taking care of my child, I had to be the best version of myself. I got to know about Miss V through a dear friend and the best thing was she took classes near Microsoft campus.

I registered, and boy! What a difference my life has been since I met her. It has been 6 wonderful and joyous years training under Miss V.

I transformed to someone who knew nothing about my body, to understanding and caring for my body better.

I love the energy she brings to class, and I love that she knows my shortcomings and pushes me to always do and bring my best every day.

I worked out with Miss V throughout my second pregnancy, and I was so proud of myself. Never in my life I would have thought to “exercise while pregnant”. She made it easy for me and I trusted her with my body. Thank you, Miss V!

With Covid, she adapted, and she is more than ever creative- never making any one of us in her class feel like we are missing being in-person.

I have a great community of like-minded, positive individuals to keep me motivated and accountable. Grateful, thankful for you being part of my life, Miss V!”

Meet Charity! Reflecting on her 2C1S experience, Charity says, “the program feeds me. I’ve learned so much over the years I could write a book. And it’s not just external rotation (although that has changed my life too!). It’s how to think positively about myself, how to set good goals, and how to recognize the others in the class and that it’s about them too, not just me and getting mine. Through your influence I’ve learned how to meditate, was introduced to yoga and gained confidence in my abilities. You and 2Claps made me feel strong and special and helped me through some hard things, like getting back into shape after donating my kidney, recovering after my broken arm, and now through this pandemic.”

Meet Jennifer! Here’s a little about Jennifer: “I LOVE coffee and drink it everyday. When I separated from my husband 3 years ago, the first thing I bought was a coffee pot that I could program to have my coffee ready for me when I woke up. I’m a DI…

Meet Jennifer! Here’s a little about Jennifer: “I LOVE coffee and drink it everyday. When I separated from my husband 3 years ago, the first thing I bought was a coffee pot that I could program to have my coffee ready for me when I woke up. I’m a DIY’er and do most of my own repairs and additions to my home (installing lights, painting, fixing drywall, installing closet systems, landscaping…). I love growing a vegetable garden with my kids every spring/summer and we derive a lot of joy from finding newly ripened tomatoes, squash, peas, carrots, etc. We go camping every summer – our favorite place is near La Conner on the tribal lands. I have two kids doing remote school (although that’s changing this coming week), but I refurbished two hall closets so they each had a desk area. We’ve been doing “Friday movie nights” throughout the pandemic making popcorn in our air popper and ordering pizza. We hike, ride bikes, and make lots of noise. We’re crafty and love reading books together.

I’ve enjoyed the 2C1S Teams experience as it has allowed me to let my guard down a little and show a little more of my authentic self – a little snarky, good sense of humor and levity to situations. I’m working on loving myself every day and being thankful for the body I have while trying to push it to improve. I’m vegan, gluten-free (as much as I can) and enjoy cooking Purple Carrot meal kits every week. I can have Purple Carrot send a free trial to a few people who are interested (I’m apparently a VIP because I’ve ordered so much from them). I love a good quote and love self-help books, memoirs and biographies.”

Meet Clare! Clare was with 2 Claps 1 Snap for 5 years and took classes with her husband back on the Microsoft campus. 10 years later, she’s rejoined the program! Clare says “Happiness is being healthy and playing with friends and family.”

Meet Clare! Clare was with 2 Claps 1 Snap for 5 years and took classes with her husband back on the Microsoft campus. 10 years later, she’s rejoined the program! Clare says “Happiness is being healthy and playing with friends and family.”

Meet Sherry! When reflecting on 2 Claps 1 Snap, Sherry says, “I am grateful for everything 2C1S has taught me about working out, body awareness, and physical recovery. It has shown me how much fun working out is, and how good it is to stay strong an…

Meet Sherry! When reflecting on 2 Claps 1 Snap, Sherry says, “I am grateful for everything 2C1S has taught me about working out, body awareness, and physical recovery. It has shown me how much fun working out is, and how good it is to stay strong and active. While it continues to be a personal struggle to prioritize and balance the time we have, I appreciate 2C1S being a consistent presence amid ever-changing circumstances.”

Meet Kathy! Kathy always makes everyone feel welcomed and we always enjoy hearing her grunts during workouts. A few of her favorite things include nature, traveling, cooking, gardening, watercolor painting, and music. She’s very social and loves to hang out with family and friends. Kathy semi-retired after leaving Microsoft in 2017. Since then, she’s worked as a substitute teacher’s aide, but not during the pandemic. Like so many others, her social life has been restricted. Kathy says, “it’s been hard on everyone; as an extrovert, I REALLY feel it. That’s why 2 Claps 1 Snap has been great for me. It gets me moving, helps my overall wellness, and gives me a social outlet. It’s been a bright spot in a very challenging year.”

Meet Hilary! Hilary first joined 2 Claps 1 Snap in 2010 as a Microsoft Employee. As a former dancer, she was drawn to Miss V and the energy of group classes. Now that 2C1S is virtual, Hilary was able to reunite with the program that helped make consistent exercise a priority in her life. As a busy Realtor and mom, flexibility and accountability are key. She loves that 2C1S is expanding and has helped recruit new students during this crazy COVID time.

Meet Kim! Kim has been with 2 Claps for around 4 years. She hikes frequently and grew up dancing. Her favorite workout/yoga pose is Tadasana. Reflecting on her virtual 2 Claps 1 Snap experience, Kim says that “my fitness and energy levels are much better than expected, especially with how wearing COVID-19 restrictions can be. My posture has also improved, helping me maintain using a standing desk and experience less fatigue when sitting. The real-time coaching and live demonstrators are invigorating—it’s too easy to hunker down now and not connect. This keeps me connected! The guest speakers and instructors are also thought provoking and challenging; it’s great to try new things!”

Meet Tara and Joe! Tara says, “Working out when pregnant is definitely a unique experience. My whole center of gravity changed and so my exercise had to adjust also. I transitioned from high intensity group training to Core/stretch and yoga but my growing belly sometimes got in the way. When doing happy baby I’d giggle because the happy baby in my belly prevented me from doing happy baby.

Taking classes with an 18 mo/old in the house is super entertaining. Balancing poses add a whole other level when the baby girl is circling and pulling on me as I try to focus. When I do downward dog she positions below me and does her best imitation. But the best part is when she jumps on my belly during savasana and gives me a huge hug.”

Meet Meera! Meera has been a part of the 2C1S family for 15 years 🙌 She sent us a lovely note prior to heading out on a backpacking trip: “Thank you so much for helping me stay active and healthy to be able to go on this trip. There is a very steep section of the hike that gains 2000 ft of elevation in a little less than 1 mile. Amazing views from the top but gotta work super hard for it. Will think of all your advice when going up that monster and find some rocks on top to roll my IT band on both legs before continuing on.”