Spring 2021 Student Spotlight


Get Inspired! Meet Jenny:

Mother of two, and Senior Manager, Global Immigration at Amazon.

Jenny says:

“I started working out with 2 Claps 1 Snap and Coach Miss Victoria about 5 years ago. I got into it for the convenience of workouts directly across from my old building at Microsoft. I wanted to get fit after the birth of my second son, and I stuck with it because of both the quality of the workouts and the fun of having a tribe to run around and play with. It often felt like we were kids at recess. Miss Victoria even has a recess workout where we would play tailgate games.

Little did I know how much I would need my tribe. About a year after starting, my marriage ended. Having these workouts on the calendar meant that, for at least 3 hours every week, I would have fun with my 2Claps crew. Sometimes, it was the only thing I had to look forward to. I loved the summer and holiday social events with my 2Claps family. Miss V got to know my sons and she naturally taught them safety tips with their toy Nerf guns! 2Claps became more than a workout—it was a community for the new version of my family.  

I left Microsoft in January 2020, and thought it would be the end of 2Claps for me. COVID brought at least one good thing: Miss V moved to virtual workouts right away and offered them to people outside Microsoft. I rejoined in Summer 2020 and loved the feeling of being right back in this positive community. As a working single mom, my schedule gets tight. I love that I can block my workouts on my calendar and do them alongside my kids, whether they are playing Legos, doing school, or watching YouTube. I love that Miss V can simply mute me if their video games get too loud!

Being back in the 2Claps crew for the long winter COVID months was another bright spot in a dark time. Miss V has created a unique community of excellent fitness instruction, care, humor, and love. Thank you, Victoria and the 2Claps family!”

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