A Focus on Fitness in the Workplace


Fitness and wellness in the workplace are about more than low cholesterol or being able to run a mile—in fact, they’re really not about that at all. Fitness is a subcategory of wellness involving both the body and mind. Exercise promotes decreased feelings of stress or anxiety and allows us to reach a point where we can balance our focus on work and meaningful relaxation time with loved ones. When you work out, your serotonin levels (the happy feelings) are raised, and endorphins that ease anxiety and stress are released in the brain. These chemicals create an improved mood, more positive outlook, and increase productivity. The introduction of wellness practices to a corporate office is mutually beneficial for everyone involved, fostering both individual and company growth.

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Internationally recognized scientific journal Tobacco Control (via Kaiser Permanente) found that annual medical costs for employee who smokes will incur increased expenses by approximately $5,800 per year. A person with Type 2 Diabetes should expect an additional $4,413 increase, followed closely by those who are categorized as obese will incur $4,237 increase. High blood pressure tends to end up costing an additional $1,077 annually. These lifestyle choices not only negatively impact your life but also require the company to spend more money—part of the reason why implementing wellness programs should really be at the forefront of their minds. At companies with highly effective wellness programs, Towers Watson of the National Business Group on Health found that employees were much less likely to be obese or smoke and in return, missed far less work. 

Many companies have made the jump to implementing either exercise programs or designated exercise spaces in their own facilities. The convenience of working out without needing to take an additional trip to the gym makes it that much easier to make healthy choices. Taking the time for yourself breaks up the day and brings employees closer together by bonding over a common interest. At 2 Claps 1 Snap, we have been able to see how so many people who otherwise may not have ever met have come together and formed some great friendships.

While a lot of people may think exercising at work would make workers tired, exercise does the opposite. Exercise promotes better circulation, carries more blood to the brain, and makes you more focused and alert. Working out in the morning is a great way to wake you up for the day so you’re productive instead of drowsy. 

The sense of accomplishment of making it to a class or motivating yourself to go for a run enhances a sense of pride, creating a healthy attitude. When employees get that endorphin lift from exercise everyone benefits. Employees will approach tasks more readily and face deadlines knowing they can be accomplished. 

Workers who learn self-discipline from exercise carry that over into the actual work they do—they have the discipline to focus and hold themselves accountable. This same energy makes them good leaders, able to motivate others, and provide a good example to their team.

Exercise in the workplace benefits everyone there: the individual, employer, and coworkers. Your increased energy, confidence, and health helps the company work efficiently and achieve their goals, while you achieve yours. 


Works Cited

Berman, Micah, et al. “Estimating the Cost of a Smoking Employee.” Tobacco Control, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 1 Sept. 2014, tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/23/5/428. 

“Employee Wellness Programs: Kaiser Permanente.” Business Health Care | Choose Better | Kaiser Permanente ®, business.kaiserpermanente.org/thrive. 

Ramjee, Priti. “What Are the Benefits of Workplace Gyms?” Woman, 14 July 2016, woman.thenest.com/benefits-workplace-gyms-4234.html.